Descubra Nikkei

Preparations for Coming to America (Japanese)

(Japanese) At the time, the processing of my immigration papers was being delayed. I was told that unless I set my foot on America’s soil by the 10th of July, my visa would become invalid. When I went to the American Embassy in Akasaka in Minato-ku, Tokyo maybe on a Friday…I think…since the office was closed for two days, Saturday and Sunday. I somehow received my visa on Friday. In return for my visa, they asked me to bring the proof that I could set foot on America’s soil by July 10th.. Sp I showed my uncle’s letter to the person in charge. Then, he said, “OK” and gave me the visa.

How I came here is…I took a Pan American flight - at the time, I think that airline had only been in service for 2 1/2 years. I took an airplane from start to finish. I remembered it took 36 hours starting from Haneda Airport arriving into Los Angeles Airport. At the time, I flew to that island, I think it was called Wake Island. From Haneda, I stopped over at Wake Island, then after stopping over in Hawaii, arrived into Los Angeles.

After I arrived at Los Angeles International Airport, I stayed for a week in Los Angeles, I immediately headed for Imperial Valley. My first impression was that even though there are no rivers, there are many bridges – I suppose those were the “bridges” that go over the roads or what they call overpasses.

Data: May 8, 2007

Localização Geográfica: California, US

Entrevistado: Mistue Watanabe

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum


O Sr. Yoshihito Yonezawa nasceu em 1930 em Nakaniidamachi, na província de Miyagi. Depois de terminar os estudos escolares no Japão, ele cursou agro-tecnologia em um estabelecimento de pesquisas agronômicas. Mais tarde, ele trabalhou como agro-técnico para o governo da província. Devido à sua experiência na área, o seu tio—um fazendeiro nos Estados Unidos—o convidou para ajudá-lo no seu negócio. Em julho de 1956, o Sr. Yonezawa emigrou para os Estados Unidos.

Durante os primeiros dois anos nos E.U.A., o Sr. Yonezawa cultivou verduras e frutas na fazenda do seu tio em Imperial Valley, na Califórnia. Por volta desta época, o seu tio começou a levar o Sr. Yonezawa às atividades Miyagi Kenjinkai. Algum tempo depois, o seu tio sugeriu que o Sr. Yonezawa se mudasse para Los Angeles para aprender inglês. Enquanto ele ia à escola, o Sr. Yonezawa conseguiu um emprego com o UPS (United Parcel Service), onde trabalhou por 31 anos até se aposentar em 1992.

Depois de se aposentar, o Sr. Yonezawa se tornou presidente do Miyagi Kenjinkai. Atualmente, ele continua como presidente e permanece ativo no cargo. (Fevereiro de 2009)