Descubra Nikkei

Supporting His Family (Japanese)

(Japanese) After coming back to Los Angeles, I went to adult school for 2-3 years. I could not ask my uncle for money and had to eat so I had to make it on my own. Also, around that time, my uncle was saying that I am at a good age to get married so I got married. Now, I needed to support my family as well. My wife was encouraging saying, “Why don’t you work part time and go to school?” But soon after getting married, I had a child so I could not take my wife’s suggestion either. So, after all, I worked. Luckily, with my friend’s introduction, I started working for UP (United Postal Services).

At UP, I thought I was not going to be useful if I did not know all the English words. However, I could read and they told me as long as I can sort packages, they would take me, then I was hired. The manager at the time really liked Japanese people. I started working at a plant near the Harbor Freeway on Ninth and Olympic. The only people that worked on Saturdays at this plant were Japanese Americans. Seven staff were always assigned (on the weekend). They did not use other ethnic groups at the time, not that there were that many other ethnic groups either.

Data: May 8, 2007

Localização Geográfica: California, US

Entrevistado: Mistue Watanabe

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum


O Sr. Yoshihito Yonezawa nasceu em 1930 em Nakaniidamachi, na província de Miyagi. Depois de terminar os estudos escolares no Japão, ele cursou agro-tecnologia em um estabelecimento de pesquisas agronômicas. Mais tarde, ele trabalhou como agro-técnico para o governo da província. Devido à sua experiência na área, o seu tio—um fazendeiro nos Estados Unidos—o convidou para ajudá-lo no seu negócio. Em julho de 1956, o Sr. Yonezawa emigrou para os Estados Unidos.

Durante os primeiros dois anos nos E.U.A., o Sr. Yonezawa cultivou verduras e frutas na fazenda do seu tio em Imperial Valley, na Califórnia. Por volta desta época, o seu tio começou a levar o Sr. Yonezawa às atividades Miyagi Kenjinkai. Algum tempo depois, o seu tio sugeriu que o Sr. Yonezawa se mudasse para Los Angeles para aprender inglês. Enquanto ele ia à escola, o Sr. Yonezawa conseguiu um emprego com o UPS (United Parcel Service), onde trabalhou por 31 anos até se aposentar em 1992.

Depois de se aposentar, o Sr. Yonezawa se tornou presidente do Miyagi Kenjinkai. Atualmente, ele continua como presidente e permanece ativo no cargo. (Fevereiro de 2009)