


2011年6月10日 - 2011年8月5日


計画中の三部作の最初の本、 「水の子の夢」は、母と息子の関係を通して語られる、人種関係、ジェンダー、戦争トラウマの社会学的苦悩と遺産に焦点を当てています。特に母親の垣波清子に焦点を当てています。これは、黒人と日本人の混血の人々とその両親、第二次世界大戦後の米国の太平洋の軍事化と、黒人とアジアのアイデンティティ、ジェンダー関係、自由への意志を通じたその複雑な遺産に関心のあるすべての人のための作品です。





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これらの質問やその他の質問については、 fredrickdc@gmail.comまでご連絡ください。


Part 6: Constant King [2 of 2]

2011年8月5日 • フレデリック・クロイド

Read “Part 6: Constant King [1 of 2]” >>How, then, are manhood, fatherhood and hierarchies constructed in this? It’s not just one thing. You’re too young to remember, I think. One time I was giving you a bath. It was at our house in Ōme. Your Dad came to Japan to see how we were doing, a year after he was here for your birth. We were still waiting for the American government to let us marry. Until then, your …

Part 6: Constant King [1 of 2]

2011年7月29日 • フレデリック・クロイド

Read “Part 5: Monsters” >>The Constant King 1964Mama and Dad and myself are at the dinner table. It was really the first full year ever, that Dad sat at the dinner table with Mama and I for a meal or two. In the past, he had been out of the country where Mama and me lived. When I was born it wasn’t good that he was with us, according to the military. So he was in America and Korea. In …

Part 5: Monsters

2011年7月22日 • フレデリック・クロイド

Read “Part 4: Neighbors/Next Door” >>Monsters 1950    Shōwa Year 25化け物    昭和25年From a leaflet from the U.S. armed forces made available to the occupation soldiers during the strongest period of attempting to implement the anti-fraternization policy which tried to discourage relations between Japanese women and occupation personnel: “[Japanese women] have been taught to hate you. They do as their men tell them, and many of them have been told to kill you. Sex is one of the oldest and most effective …

Part 4: Neighbors/Next door

2011年7月15日 • フレデリック・クロイド

Read “Part 3: Watermelon Seeds [2 of 2]” >>Neighbors/Next door, Mama around 1940となり、昭和15年ごろ“These expressions are extremely crude and regional, and have a rustic air; middle-class Tokyo residents would laugh at their provincial quaintness.”     —Dorinne Kondo1 We were obviously not 江戸っ子 Edokko.2 People reminded us that we were foreign and special, even though we were Japanese. Older sister spoke louder than other girls around and liked to be around the girls who were always in trouble at school and were …

Part 3: Watermelon Seeds [2 of 2]

2011年7月8日 • フレデリック・クロイド

Read “Part 3: Watermelon Seeds [1 of 2]” >>I am still an only-child. But now my only child identity was not the same as just a moment before. I was born alone but because a sister died. Fragments of unknowns become apparent. I then felt relieved. Some things fell into a certain logical reasoning—or perhaps it was a certain logic that offered comfort. I was an only child, but now I reasoned that a protector-twin had been watching over me, …

Part 3: Watermelon Seeds [1 of 2]

2011年7月1日 • フレデリック・クロイド

Read “Part 2: The Waters [2 of 2]” >>Watermelon seeds, 1964    Shōwa Year 39スイカの種、1964年    昭和39年“One of the remarkable features of this group is that it seems that all the war children receives[sic] a stigma, whether the father was an enemy soldier or an allied…We have to understand that this stigma often is associated with the status of the mother.”     —From: The War Children of the World1 Lovers—a Japanese man and the French woman, speak: He: You saw nothing in Hiroshima. …

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彼はサンフランシスコのカリフォルニア統合研究大学のポストコロニアル/フェミニズム志向の社会文化人類学プログラムで修士号を取得しました。アジア料理やラテン料理、コーヒー、テレビ番組、音楽、蒸気機関車への愛情を糧に、初のインタースティシャル オートエスノグラフィー「水の子供たちの夢、水の子供たちの夢」に取り組んでいます。
