


(Matthew O’Mara )


マシューはライアソン大学のジャーナリズム プログラムを卒業し、ナショナル ポストのビデオ ゲームのニュース、レビュー、特集記事を扱うセクションであるPost Arcadeのフリーランス コラムニストです。お問い合わせやご意見は、 nikkeivoice@gmail.comまでメールでお送りください。



The Man Behind The Masa, An Interview With Japanizi: Going Going Gong's Mark Hashimoto

2014年1月7日 • マシュー・オマラ

Without the black suit, thick-rimmed glasses, and imposing posture, you could barely recognize Judge Masa from Japanizi: Going Going Gong. Soft-spoken and reserved, Mark Masayuki Hashimoto, Masa’s real-world alter ego, seems to be the exact opposite of his character on the television show. But after watching one episode you can see how convincing he is as the show’s high-energy judge. Loud and commanding, Judge Masa lets contestants on the game show know if what they are doing is good by …

Japanizi Going Going Gong! Bringing Japanese Game Shows to North American youngsters

2013年12月31日 • マシュー・オマラ

You’re blindfolded, about 9-years-old, and being wheeled onto the studio floor of a mysterious game show. The producers interviewed you and you had a chance to ask them a few questions, but you left knowing that this is, “The best game show ever made.” With that in your mind, your blindfold is lifted and you’re greeted by this: Japanizi Going Going Gong! Video >> “Their expressions are priceless,” says Matt Hornburg, co-CEO and executive producer at marblemedia, in an interview …

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