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This photo was submitted by Keiko Moriyama of Las Vegas, Nevada, for the 2021 Hinamatsuri Photo Activity, presented in collaboration with the Japanese Ame, rican Cultural & Community Center and Japanese American National Museum.


A few years after my parents’ passing, I came across an old tattered box tucked away in the far corner of their garage. What a delightful surprise when I discovered nine Hinamatsuri dolls carefully wrapped in yellowed newspaper. The dolls were in impeccable shape considering they were over 60 years old. Included with the dolls was a 1957 photo of me posing in front of the Hanamatsuri display my father had built, rekindling a flood of heartfelt memories from my childhood. Today, they are beautifully displayed in a glass cabinet in my living room.

P.S. – I, unfortunately, did not find the Emperor and Empress dolls, the two main characters of the Hinamatsuri display.


editor — 更新日 3月 11 2021 12:29 a.m.



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