


(Luis Hirata Mishima)




COPANI XV で日系人を発見 - ウルグアイ 2009
Transformation of the Nikkei Community in Peru - Part 2

2009年12月29日 • ルイス・ヒラタ・ミシマ

Part 1 >>HOW DID A NIKKEI COME TO GOVERN A COUNTRY?In Peru an extradordinary thing happened. A Nikkei, or should we say a Nisei (a child of Japanese parents), came to occupy the presidency of the country by a majority vote of the population. And even more extraordinary was that such a thing occurred less than fifty years after Peru declared war against Japan. Japanese immigrants always tried to live immersed in the middle of their communities and dedicate themselves …

COPANI XV で日系人を発見 - ウルグアイ 2009
Transformation of the Nikkei Community in Peru - Part 1

2009年12月22日 • ルイス・ヒラタ・ミシマ

My participation in this workshop, which deals with the transformation of the Nikkei community in Peru, is due to the kind invitation of the Discover Nikkei Program of the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles.  My presentation is part of the workshop on Japanese Immigration of the XV COPANI. I want to clarify something before I begin, mainly that this presentation was originally going to take place with the participation of Amelia Morimoto, an indefatigable researcher and author of …

ニッケイのストーリーを募集しています! 世界に広がるニッケイ人のストーリーを集めたこのジャーナルへ、コラムやエッセイ、フィクション、詩など投稿してください。 詳細はこちら
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