Descubra a los Nikkei

How Yoshitaro Amano got to South America (Japanese)

(Japanese) Was it his dream? Walk around Yokohama even a little and you’ll see a bridge called the Bankoku Bashi (Bridge to the World). From there, you can see the Hikawa-Maru and other ships. Back then, it wasn’t airplanes but ships that people all over the world traveled on, you see. Ships traversed the globe and if you always saw them, you’d probably eventually want to work in a foreign country, too. Well, that’s fate for you, to sell all your worldly possessions, travel the world and find the best place. Amano ended up in South America, in Panama, no less—and he decided that that was the best place for him. If you’re in the business of moving commercial merchandise, Panama’s shipping volume is enormous. Compared to other places in South America, the volume of shipped goods is, of course, the highest there. So Amano set up a residence in Panama before the war, where business was very strong. When business was thriving right before the Second World War, he was working in the the biggest discount shop in Panama, or I should say, the biggest department store in Panama.

negocios economía gestión Panamá preguerra Segunda Guerra Mundial Yoshitaro Amano

Fecha: May 7, 2007

Zona: California, US

Entrevista: Yoko Nishimura

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum


Nació en el año 1948, oriundo de Tokio. Se graduó en la facultad de educación de la universidad de Waseda. Años más tarde, emigró a Lima, Perú. Mientras aprendía español, ayudaba en los trabajos de su abuelo Yoshitaro Amano, fundador del Museo Amano. Se casó con una Nikkei nisei. Actualmente es investigador de la cultura peruana, recolecta vasijas de barro y tejidos, y es gerente del Museo Amano. Como diplomático no oficial del Perú, recibe a políticos, economistas y realiza entrevistas para la televisión. Viaja varias veces al año a Japón y realiza en diferentes lugares conferencias. (Mayo de 2007)


Expanding business

(1927-2016) Empresario shin-issei


Life Philosophy

(1927-2016) Empresario shin-issei

Schneider,Jean Hamako

Attending Kindergarten in Panama (Japanese)

(n. 1925) Novia de la guerra 

Fukuhara,Jimmy Ko

Family nursery business

(n. 1921) Veterano nisei que sirvió en la ocupación de Japón

Fukuhara,Jimmy Ko

After being discharged and returning to the nursery business

(n. 1921) Veterano nisei que sirvió en la ocupación de Japón


Business in Missouri (Japanese)

(n. 1936) Un “shin-issei” de profesión soldador

Shikota,Antonio Shinkiti

Transition from a factory worker to starting his own business (Portuguese)

(n. 1962) Brasileño japonés, dueño de una tienda de productos brasileños en Japón.


Father's business partner operated their farming business during WWII

(n. 1935) Empresario sansei.