Descubra a los Nikkei

Grandfather raised in the hotel business

My grandfather was raised in the hotel business so he had to learn how to do everything, including bookkeeping and what not, and he could really run the hotel, I guess, by the age of 14. But at that time my great-grandparents wanted him to be educated in Japan so they sent him back to Japan so he was Kibei when he came back, and of course that would be one of the reasons why there would be adverse consequences to that later on his life after Pearl Harbor.

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Fecha: April 25, 2018

Zona: California, US

Entrevista: John Esaki

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum


Robert Fujioka nació en Honolulu, Hawái en 1952. Asistió a la Universidad de Michigan en donde obtuvo el grado de bachiller en artes y obtuvo un MBA de la Universidad de Hawái. Ha estado en el sector de la banca desde 1974 y actualmente es vicepresidente de la junta directiva del Museo Nacional Japonés Americano, patrono de la Fundación Clarence T.C. Ching y de la Fundación First Hawaiian Bank. (Noviembre de 2018)

Fujie,Holly J.
Fujie,Holly J.

Her grandfather was pressured to teach Japanese

Juez sansei en la Corte Superior del condado de Los Ángeles en California.
