Descubra Nikkei

The Road to Success As a Sushi Chef (Japanese)

(Japanese) I was in New York for about 2 years, and the restaurant I worked at was truly an amazing sushi restaurant. It was…how should I put it, like a sushi school in those days. It was actually coincidence that I worked there. The place really polished up my sushi skills and by the time I was 27, I had been there for a year and a half, learning various techniques from my senpai (seniors at work). I was certainly lucky to have had the chance of meeting such people.

When thinking of opening my own restaurant, I knew it would be hard unless I had somewhat of a name for myself. And coincidently there was a sushi contest going on with two events; a sushi-making race and a sushi-crafting skill event. I jumped in and found myself in 1st place. The TV and newspaper publicity helped to have everyone remember me, and it’s helped me ever since. Even this location was coincidently bought from a friend who was retiring.

I love this location because I can go to the fish market every day. I go that day, buy something if its good, bring it back, and serve it to the customers, trying not to change the fresh taste of the fish. And I tell them that this is what really good sushi is. Recently, there have been more customers who exclaim, “Wow, this tastes like this? It’s really good.”

comida Comida japonesa sushi Estados Unidos da América

Data: September 10, 2009

Localização Geográfica: California, US

Entrevistado: Izumi Tanaka

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum


Nascido em Tóquio em 1962. Ele se mudou para os Estados Unidos em 1981. Inicialmente, trabalhou em um restaurante em San Diego preparando sushi e ajudando na cozinha. Ele se mudou para a Costa Leste americana em 1987, depois de ser notificado que havia uma oportunidade de emprego em Nova York. Ele se mudou para Connecticut em 1990 para ajudar um amigo a abrir um novo restaurante. Ele abriu o seu próprio restaurante em 1997; seu estabelecimento acabou se tornando um dos restaurantes mais bem cotados na região da Nova Inglaterra de acordo com o [guia de restaurantes] ZAGAT. Em 2006, ele decidiu retornar a Los Angeles com sua mulher e filho, e iniciou um negócio de catering enquanto trabalhava como chef de sushi em outros restaurantes. Além disso, ele foi o primeiro colocado em diversas “competições de sushi”. Em 2008, ele abriu o Toshi Sushi em Little Tokyo [área no centro de Los Angeles]. (Dezembro de 2009)


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