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My family and I attended my grandma's 88th birthday celebration in Buenos Aires, Argetina on Septmeber 2, 2006. The celebration was held at El Centro Okinawense(Kenjinkai) de Buenos Aires. There were 6 ojiichan's and 5 obachan's celebrating their monumental birthday. There were over 500 guests who enjoyed traditional Okinawan dance and delicious Okinawan, Japanese and Argentinian food. Every year the kenjinkai with the help of the Okinawan community puts together such amazing events to celebrate milestones birthday and to keep alive our traditions. It was definetly an affair to remeber. Omedato and feliz cumpleanos Obachan!

nataliamaki — 更新日 3月 30 2011 8:01 p.m.

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