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This is a Penny Postcard, courtesy of Frank Kikuchi. It looked like and was used just like a postcard looks like and is used today, minus the picture on the front and the need for a postage stamp. The 1-cent "stamp" was pre-printed on the card. All one had to do was write a message on the back of the card and drop it in the mailbox.

Frank Kikuchi was born in Seattle, Washington on August 21, 1924. He spent his childhood in Washington, Utah and Los Angeles, California. Frank attended Maryknoll School and Cathedral High School. During World War II, Frank was incarcerated at Manzanar, where he developed relationships with the Miyatake family, Sue Kunitomi and his best friend, Hikogi Takeuchi. After the war, Frank got married and established his own grocery store, F and H Market. Frank is currently a docent at the Japanese American National Museum.

eishida — 更新日 3月 30 2011 7:57 p.m.



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