Day Of Remembrance: How Different Generations Share Their Family Incarceration Histories

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Community Event

6:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

California Historical Society
678 Mission Street
San Francisco, California, 94105
United States

Join California Historical Society in partnership with Tessaku for a night that explores Japanese American incarceration history from various points of view. Different topics will be presented and discussed including: intergenerational trauma, how we remember, recall, and honor through artistic expression, and how we tell and share personal stories.

The event will begin with a 15 minute presentation from Satsuki Ina on intergenerational trauma, followed by 10 minute presentations by Kurt Kurasaki, Linda Tomoko Mihara, and Diana Emiko Tsuchida. Kristin Eriko Posner will briefly talk about her company, Nourish, which is providing a Japanese-inspired menu of appetizers for the evening. We will then break out into round table discussions with each presenter going into the audience and facilitating a discussion on the topics of memory and memorializing, how we tell our own histories, as well as how will future generations engage with and continue to share these histories?

To close, songwriter/composer Goh Nakamura will perform music to accompany stories, alongside images, from the oral history website, Tessaku. A short reception will then follow with small bites provided by Nourish.




emikotsuchida . 更新日 2018年2月6日




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