FREE FILM SCREENING: The Secret Life of Arrietty - JCCCNC Family Movie Night / Children's Day 2013 Fundraiser

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Community Event

6:00p.m. - 8:30p.m.

Issei Memorial Hall, at the Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California
1840 Sutter Street
San Francisco, California, 94115
United States

What is this?
As interns at the Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California (JCCCNC), we (Miya, Drew, Erika, Sara, and Casey) were posed with the task of raising $500 to go towards the 2013 Children’s Day Festival in San Francisco’s Japantown. To do that, we will be hosting a movie night at the JCCCNC! 

Why should you go?
We’ll be screening Hayao Miyazaki’s The Secret World of Arrietty released in the United States last February---for free! (with suggested donation of course) We’ll be selling popcorn, fresh spam musubi, and baked goods homemade with love. We will also have a raffle ($1 tickets!) where you can win awesome prizes. There will even be a postcard coloring station where you can crayon your heart out. Again, all $$$ received will be going to a wonderful cause and helping the 2013 Children’s Day Festival. 

Who can come?
Everyone! Bring your boyfriend, your girlfriend, your cousins, your mom’s best friend--all ages are welcome; The more the merrier! Just remember this is a kid-friendly event so no alcohol will be allowed. 

The San Francisco Japantown Foundation – a non-profit organization that provides grant monies for cultural, community and educational activities to promote and preserve San Francisco Japantown - board of directors recently approved a matching grant of $4,000 to support the annual Children’s Day activities organized by the Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California. The JCCCNC is calling out for your help to raise $4,000 to reach a donation total of $8,000 to improve current Children’s Day activities and address the growing demand in participation.

For more information, please e-mail Miya at or visit the Facebook event page at

See you there!




llan . 更新日 2012年7月5日




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