Descubra a los Nikkei

The Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

On March 11, 2011 still another catastrophe (not close to home in America but 5,000 miles across the Pacific Ocean) defined our lives. On a world-wide stage, Japan reacted to the force of nature and the devastation left in its wake. We who are Japanese by ancestry can understand (and be proud) of the courageous spirit of our relatives, friends and counter-parts in Japan. The human emotions of losing loved ones, homes, and businesses have no ethnic differentiation. But the surge of nature not once by the earthquake but by the intended finishing blow of the Tsunami still could not “take out” the Japanese people.

The way Japanese people handle tough times comes from within the Japanese spirit. Instead of analyzing and trying to rationalize what happened, everyone went to work to “fix things.” The people unified and gathered what little they had and went to shelters. They stood politely and patiently in food and supply lines. Those that could lend a hand helped their neighbors. The government and scientists immediately implemented plans to analyze and react to the immediate nuclear threat. These actions were already underway as world assistance was on its way. I am sure the global assistance teams were surprised to find that the Japanese people were already doing what they could to “stop the bleeding” and taking the initiative to stabilize critical needs: locating people under the rubble, providing health care, shelter and eventual settlement for the thousands of people affected. The Japanese people were not interested in doing well before the global audience. They would have done what they did and are continuing to do without NHK or CNN coverage.

What can we learn from what is going on in Japan? As Japanese we have a vested interest in Japan because we are Japanese. But were we as interested in the earthquakes in Haiti and Asia? Myself included, probably not as much. I felt very emotional and thankful when the news indicated that President Obama had directed several U.S. ships to steam toward Japan as soon as the Tsunami hit to provide relief. It was the emotion of the audience in a movie when the U.S. forces appeared on the horizon coming to help in Afghanistan and Iraq. This is brother helping brother and jubilation felt whenever a distressed person or country sees a blanket or food supply being extended by a rescue person with a reassuring smile and big hug: “How are you doing? We’re going to get past this!”

Planet Earth is our home. When neighbors had problems, our forefathers in America helped. As Americans do, we should not forget prayer and pray for Japan. Despite its technology and financial resources, Japan will hopefully begin to build its spiritual fortresses. The future will unfortunately bring more disasters beyond Japan. We must learn from hard lessons that we are not just Japanese, we are Earthlings!

© 2011 Wayne Tada

segunda década del siglo XXI terremoto y tsunami de Tohoku, Japón, 2011 terremotos Japón JPquake2011
Sobre esta serie

En japonés, “kizuna” significa fuertes lazos emocionales.

Estas series comparten las reacciones y perspectivas de los Nikkeis tanto en forma individual y/o comunal en el Gran Terremoto de Tohoku Kanto ocurrido el 11 de marzo de 2011 y el tsunami como también otros impactos- esfuerzos de colaboración o cómo afectó lo sucedido y sus sentimientos hacia el Japón.

Si quieres compartir tus experiencias, ver la página de instrucciones para enviar un artículo. Recibimos artículos en inglés, japonés, español y/o portugués. Estamos buscando diferentes historias alrededor del mundo.

Creemos que estas historias brindan consuelo a las víctimas en Japón y en el mundo, y esto resulta ser una cápsula de tiempo de reacciones y perspectivas de nuestra comunidad Nima-kai en el futuro.

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Hay diferentes organizaciones y fundaciones en el mundo que colaboran con Japón. Nos puedes seguir enTwitter @discovernikkei para los diferentes eventos y acciones Nikkei o chequear en la sección Eventos. En caso de colocar un evento de beneficencia favor agregar la etiqueta “JPquake2011” para que aparezca en los eventos relacionados con el terremoto en Japón.

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Acerca del Autor

Wayne Tada es un "Sansei" de tercera generación que creció en San Francisco y se mudó a Los Ángeles después de graduarse de la universidad. Trabajó como analista financiero e instructor corporativo para Blue Cross of California. Ahora retirado después de 35 años, le gusta la fotografía deportiva, volver a aprender "Nihongo" e involucrarse con "cosas japonesas" dentro de la comunidad japonesa americana. Su objetivo es prestar su voz y apoyo a otros Nisei y Sansei para mantener viva la herencia japonesa americana para las generaciones futuras.

Su enfoque actual está en San Francisco, donde su Japan Town se ve amenazada por el esperado desarrollo inmobiliario comercial que eliminaría los rastros de la comunidad japonesa americana en la que creció durante los años de la posguerra. Ha escrito varios artículos publicados en el Nichi Bei Times para defender los esfuerzos de preservación y restauración por parte de la población local actual y los intereses comerciales en general.

Actualizado en marzo de 2011

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