Descubra Nikkei

Background image consist of multiple portrait of Nikkei with military experience

Banco de Dados da Experiência Militar Nipo-Americana

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Yokichi "Kokomo" Hokama

Birth date
Local de nascimento
Lahaina, Maui HI, U.S.A.
1943-3-24, Honolulu HI
Tipo de alistamento
Ramo das Forças Armadas
Tipo de serviço
Tipo de Unidade
Unidades onde serviu
522 Field Artillery Battalion, C Battery 442 RCT.
Military specialty
Truck Driver, Light Cannoneer.
U.S.A., Italy, France, Germany
Honolulu HI
Unit responsibility
Artillery support for 442nd RCT.
Personal responsibility
Truck driver - cannoneer.
Major battles (if served in a war zone)
Rome-Arno Campaign, North Appennines, Rhineland Campaign, Central Europe Campaign
Awards, medals, citations (individual or unit)
EAME Service Medal, Asiatic-Pacific Service Medal
Living conditions
Slept in pup tents or in the open w/ sleeping bag. Used steel helmet to bathe or jump in streams if available. Meals? No complaints - we survived. We entertained ourselves by playing cards, talking stories in a group, writing letters home.
Most vivid memory of military experience
Learning of my best friend's death in France.
Missed most whilst in the military
Most important thing, personally, to come from military experience?
Compassion for our stateside buddies. We, from Hawaii, were lucky. Seeing segregation in the South. Discrimination against minorities changed my outlook for life. Respect of Rights of others.
Additional information
I regret that I did not know about the problems my stateside buddies and families had to go through. These things should be taught at schools (mandatory), so that future generations will be more understanding.
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