Oregon Nikkei Endowment

Member since Out 2004

Objetivo do Site

The Oregon Nikkei Legacy Center will serve as a focal point for the preservation and sharing of the history and culture of the Japanese American community. One of the most important chapters in the Japanese American experience is the forced internment of over 110,000 persons of Japanese descent during the Second World War. This fuels our commitment to the preservation of civil rights for all Americans. The Center will be a venue for cultural and research activities and an invaluable resource for the exploration of the experiences of Japanese Americans and their role in Oregon’s multi-cultural community.


The Oregon Nikkei Legacy Center (ONLC) will participate in the Discover Nikkei website by providing information about the ONLC and its programs, and report our Legacy Center holdings to the Directory of Nikkei Collections. We will work with the project to link our website with the Discover Nikkei website to provide access for persons seeking information about Oregon Nikkei history and heritage. We plan to participate in this project so that we can engage in activities that expand audiences for Nikkei Legacy, contribute knowledge and resources pertaining specifically to Oregon's Nikkei experience, and gain from our involvement as an affiliate organization for the project by increasing our capacity to disseminate information about Oregon's Nikkei experience.


121 NW Second Avenue
Portland, OR 97209

Web: http://www.oregonnikkei.org/
Email: onlc@oregonnikkei.org
Phone: 503-224-1458


Nihonmachi, ca. 1917. Bathhouse, barbershop and cleaners run by the Ninomura family is now the current home of the Oregon Nikkei Legacy Center

Rose Festival Parade entry by the Oregon Japanese Farmer's Association, Portland, OR, ca. 1920. Float was made of vegetables and had an American flag on the roof.

ONLC's New Year's celebration, Mochitsuki, February, 2004. The centerpiece of the event is the making of mochi, or traditional rice cakes.

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The Nippon Foundation