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The word Geisha literally translates to art person. The movie Memoirs of a Geisha reflects this both in its hauntingly beautiful imagery and its plotline. The story tells of a young girl who is torn from her family and sold to a Geisha house. After sometime at the Geisha House, the title character, Sayuri, is presented with the opportunity to become a Geisha. From here in the story erupts with poignant exoticism of the Geisha lifestyle, which is shown to be both glamorous and tragic. The epitome of this hyper-exotification is exemplified in Sayuri’s solo dance sequence in the movie. Both the outfit and the dance choreography succeed in magnifying the exotic allure her presence. The sense of magnification, further radiates ethereal aesthetics so as to tailor the visual representation of the Geisha world to an American audience. Also to be noted, this on-screen portrayal of this book is essentially further hyper exotification, as most of the dance choreography is imbued with western influence, so as to emphasize the mystifying aspects the Geisha . This is evidenced in the fact that the main character is differentiated from the other character by possessing blue eyes. The movie explains that she has “too much water in her eyes,” which means that she posses the ability to be both be it soft and delicate or powerful and destructive. These “superstitious” beliefs also lead into the exoticism aspect of the movie as well, which is essentially the essence of the film. Once again, illustrating an auto-exotic aspect in both imagery and plotline, this film creates a otherness, that does not relate to Japanese culture, but rather is tailored to an American culture, so as represent an “otherworldyness” aspect via visual aesthetics.

boliva — Atualizado em Mar 30 2011 8:00 p.m.

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