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This is the moon-viewing stand from the Japanese Garden at the Washington Arboretum. The photo was taken during my visit there on July 11, 2007.

The wooden platform sits over the lake on the opposite side as the original entrance gate. The brochure describes it as:

"The Moon-viewing Stand is used in late summer for ceremonies that celebrate the rising of the moon and other performances during Japanese festivals celebrated in the garden. It is also a good place to observe the colored carp (koi) in the lake. You can often see frogs among the water lilies, and occasionally a great blue heron will appear along the edges of the stone cape. On the lakeshore are beds of Japanese iris (Iris ensata)."


Seattle Japanese Garden at the Washington Park Arboretum
1075 Lake Washington Boulevard East
North of East Madison Street
Learn more about the garden online >>

vkm — Atualizado em Jun 02 2011 10:14 p.m.

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