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This is the only letter recovered that is available to the public from Miss Breed. The rest are all to her. This letter was sent to Tetsuzo Hirasaki just before the Japanese Americans were relocated. It is deep and touching. It is Miss Breed.

Dear Tetsuzo,

I am going to miss you a great deal, as you must know. You have been one of my restorers-of-faith in the human spirit. I know that you will keep your courage and humor in the weeks and days that lie ahead, no matter what they may bring.

You said once that you were "afraid" of dissension among the Japanese. I have moments of being "afraid" of America. I want so much to have her live up to your unshaken belief in her, I want her to be just and democratic in her treatment not only of the Japanese Americans who are of course citizens, but of your father's generation.

You people who are going to Manzanar and the other camps can only help - as you have already - by proving your cooperation and loyalty, so thoroughly that even those who do not believe in your loyalty will have to believe in it. And do not forget for a single moment that you have real friends who trust you to meet any situation that life may bring. You have stamina and strength.

Clara E. Breed

eishida — Atualizado em Mar 30 2011 7:59 p.m.

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