Descubra Nikkei

Rio Imamura


Rio Imamura, cidadão americano há quase 30 anos morando na cidade de Nova York e no sul da Califórnia, retornou ao Japão após se aposentar em 1994. Sua tradução japonesa de Dear Miss Breed escrita por Joanne Oppenheim foi publicada pela Kashiwa Shobo, Tóquio em 2007.

Atualizado em fevereiro de 2012

Stories from This Author

Panama Hotel

25 de Maio de 2012 • Rio Imamura

New York Times Best Seller Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet was a Christmas gift from my daughter. The author Jamie Ford autographed and wrote: “Rio, inspiration comes from life and good books. Keep writing” and an actual size “Do Not Disturb (reading)” book marker attached, jutting half an inch out of the book. My daughter wrote, “I met Jamie Ford in person at the Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza. He signed the book for you and for …

Revisiting Little Tokyo / Japanese American National Museum

11 de Maio de 2012 • Rio Imamura

On my recent trip to Little Tokyo branch library in Los Angeles, notices for two fund-raising campaigns were posted—one to build a Ryoma Sakamoto statute and the other to save Bunichi Kagawa’s poem epitaph. Ryoma Sakamoto (1836-1867), a legendary Meiji Restoration icon, who attempted to organize a peaceful revolution, but instead was assassinated, is one of the best loved historical figures of Japan today. Ryoma, a visionary Samurai, who deserted Tosa-Clan, conceived the first trading company and ocean support fleet, …

Van Nuys Japanese Garden

19 de Abril de 2012 • Rio Imamura

It seemed like a step down. Back then, the Valley was a big oven with nothing in it, a great sea of nothing, an ocean with no ships and at night, if you went out there, were very few lights.         —Robert Redford on moving to Van Nuys as a teenager             in a 1998 New Yorker interview. Sepulveda (taken from the family name of the early Angelinos) Basin is where San Diego …

Congressional Gold Medal Moment To Share

9 de Abril de 2012 • Rio Imamura

On November 2, 2011, the long awaited Congressional Gold Medal (CGM) presentation to hundreds of Japanese-American veterans who collectively fought bravely during WW II was held in Washington D.C. Amid the applause of many well-wishers and families, the ceremony was met with much fanfare, many speeches, including the keynote speech by President Obama.  Japanese-Americans fought to prove their faithfulness to the U.S., while their parents, brothers and sisters were detained behind barbed wire. For those veterans who were unable to …

Frank and Nevelo Yasuda, Alaskan Mining Hall of Fame

6 de Fevereiro de 2012 • Rio Imamura

“We stayed six months cumulatively in Point Barrow, Alaska for scientific research,” said an unexpected message from my San Diego Japanese friends. “In the Barrow research library, we found a Japanese book An Alaskan Tale written by Jiro Nitta about Frank Yasuda1. Jujiro Wada (1875-1937) and Frank Yasuda (1868-1958)—all in the same generation. Have you read Jiro Nitta’s book that became a movie?” Well, I know author Nitta (1912-1980) who wrote the Death March on Mt. Hakkoda, the deadly military …

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