Descubra Nikkei

Debora Toth

Debora Toth é redatora e editora freelancer e mora em Long Island, NY. Seus artigos foram publicados no The New York Times , na revista Emirates Airlines , Family Fun e em muitas outras revistas e jornais.

Stories from This Author

Thumbnail for Brother International Corporation’s Dream 1000 Project Produces School Bags for Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami Victims
Kizuna: Histórias dos Nikkeis sobre o Terremoto e Tsunami no Japão
Brother International Corporation’s Dream 1000 Project Produces School Bags for Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami Victims

25 de Abril de 2012 • Debora Toth

When a Japanese product planner working for Brother Industries Ltd (BIL)., the parent company of Brother International Corporation in Bridgewater, New Jersey, “dreamed” big, he could not have imagined the outpouring of international support he would receive. Last March, after the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan, Shigeyuki (Joe) Abe, a product planner at Brother Industries, Ltd.,in Nagoya, Japan desperately wanted to help. His idea to create tote bags for the children who had lost everything in the devastation was …

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