Tea and Letter Writing: Letters of Solace

  • en

Set 20209
6:00p.m. - 7:30p.m.

At the start of safer at home orders in Los Angeles, we gathered virtually for the first time to write letters to seniors who were isolating physically in their homes in Little Tokyo. Now, six months later, we will be writing again to our community elders to see how they are now and how we can continue to provide comfort and connection.

Gather with us in the comfort of your own home to share tea and conversation and write letters—with plenty of prompts provided by traci kato-kiriyama, former Little Tokyo +LAB Artist-in-Residence at JANM. Make yourself a warm (or iced) cup of tea, get comfortable, and join us online! All ages are welcome to participate.

RSVPs are required using the link below. You will be emailed links and instructions to join our conversation on Zoom. Please confirm that the email that you register with is the best way to reach you. Contact publicprograms@janm.org if you have any additional questions or specific access concerns.


This program was launched through the +LAB Artist Residency program presented by the Little Tokyo Service Center in partnership with JANM and continues now in partnership with Tuesday Night Project’s TNTalks initiative.


JANM . Atualizado em Ago 20, 2020 11:02 a.m.

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