Tanabata Festival

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Community Event

Ago 200914 Ago 200917

Little Tokyo
On Central Ave @ the Japanese American National Museum
Los Angeles, California, 90012
United States

The Tanabata Festival (the Star Festival) is based on the folk legend of the Cowherd Star (Altair) and The Weaver Princess Star (Vega) - two lovers whose paths cross the Milky Way but once a year - on July 7th.
In ancient times, Tanabata came to Japan from China during a time when one prayed to the stars for proficiency in sewing and calligraphy.
The prayers were written on multicolored paper streamers attached to bamboo poles along with decorations for display in the family garden.
This meeting of two star lovers occurs on July 7th, but in Sendai, Japan, the Tanabata Festival is celebrated one month later, on August 6th through 8th, when the streets of Sendai are covered with elaborate and glittering decorations that are famous throughout all Japan. And during the three days of this festival, fabulous parades crowd the streets every day. Currently, this festival has gained notoriety throughout the world.
In San Paulo City in Brazil, the Tanabata Festival has been celebrated every year since 1979, with the support of Miyagi Prefecture and Sendai City.


kacieyoshida . Atualizado em Jul 09, 2010 12:12 p.m.


Agosto 2009


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