Elly Kleinman Album


Elly Kleinman's Holocaust Album of pictures

The Kleinman Family Holocaust Education Center founded by Elly Kleinman in 2008 was the first center in the US to portray the Holocaust from an Orthodox Jewish perspective. So far there has been no room for the Orthodox community in museums and history books, and because there was no room for them in history whatsoever, Jewish community members had to create their own space for memory. The opening of the remodeled center, now turned into the Amud Aish Memorial Museum, is scheduled for the period between late 2016 and early 2017. The new museum will give a fresh perspective on these events, focusing mostly on faith and religious matters. Hopefully it will change the ultra-Orthodox community’s approach to the subject as well. The museum is envisioned as a place which will serve as a living memorial to all Holocaust victims, although the main focus will be on the values of religiously observant Jews.

The memory of the Holocaust cuts deep to the heart of every Jew until this very day. As the years go by it is becoming more and more important that future generations understand the implications of these events. The way religious communities experienced the Holocaust is rather different from the way non-religious one experienced it. The Amud Aish Memorial Museum founded by Elly Kleinman will present the history of the Holocaust with special emphasis on the perspectives of religiously observant communities. For observant Jews, keeping their faith was of crucial importance, as it also meant fighting for a better future. The museum is located in Boro Park, Brooklyn, a place with the largest concentration of Holocaust survivors and their descendants outside the State of IsraelFor now it is the only museum in the world that represents traditional faith-based Jewish victim experiences before, during and immediately following the Holocaust.

Album Type

family history

ellykleinman — 更新日 6月 28 2021 1:49 a.m.

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