Descubra a los Nikkei

Background image consist of multiple portrait of Nikkei with military experience

Base de Datos de Experiencias Militares de Japoneses Americanos

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Roy Taniyo Yokote

Fecha de Nacimiento
Lugar de Nacimiento
Loomis CA, U.S.A.
1944-08-23, Denver CO
Tipo de Alistamiento
Afiliación Militar
Tipo de servicio prestado
Tipo de unidad militar
Unidades a las que sirvió
442nd Regimental Combat Team, Company D; 300th General Hospital, Naples, Italy.
Especialidad militar
Infantry; X-Ray Technician
USA Other Countries: France; Italy
Camp Beale CA
Responsabilidad en la unidad
Combat - Weapons X-Ray Technician 300th General Hospital
Responsabilidad individual
Light Machine Gun Instructor - X-Ray Technician School
Batallas principales (si sirvió en una zona de guerra)
Rhineland Campaign North Appennines Campaign.
Reconocimientos, medallas, menciones (individuales o de la unidad)
Expert M1 Rifle European African Middle Eastern Campaign Medal Good Conduct Medal Army of Occupation Medal World War II Victory Medal.
Condiciones de Vida
Accommodations were the open ground, pup tents, cots in tents, bed with mattress in a building. Baths were often far and few between - steel helmets came in handy as the means - showers were both temporary and permanent. Meals ranged from K-Rations to C-Rations to hot meals, to dining rooms with real dishes. Since I was in a forward replacement unit most of the time, I had access to music, athletic equipment and passes to cities.
Recuerdo más vívido de la experiencia militar
While traveling through France in a 40' x 8' box car sounds cozy, try emptying your bladder while balancing yourself in the open doorway of a moving boxcar without giving yourself and your fellow GI's a 'golden rain shower'!
Lo que más extraño durante su tiempo en las fuerzas armadas
My family!!!
¿En lo personal, qué obtuvo de su experiencia militar?
Life is so fragile and precious. I could have been lying dead out there somewhere in France or Italy. I was lucky but I feel so very sad for all of those guys I trained with, who never made it back!
Información adicional
In the twilight of my life on earth, I hope I can maintain some semblence of contribution to the people around me, ie., to the Yokote name. My father and mother went through so much hardship in trying to give the best they were capable of giving under trying circumstances. 'This is your country, Japan is not'! I had no problem with the military, except for the thought of never coming back from overseas. As our family gets smaller it also grows in stature, ie., with the addition of grandsons. I hope they never undergo the hardships there forebearer's did. The loss of loved ones, in particular Brothers Jack and Paul, and my wife of 49 years has made me appreciate what I have now. The World War II experience has made me a more understanding individual, even though I am by no means a perfect person.
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