Descubra a los Nikkei

Background image consist of multiple portrait of Nikkei with military experience

Base de Datos de Experiencias Militares de Japoneses Americanos

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Matsuo "Mako" Ida

Fecha de Nacimiento
Lugar de Nacimiento
Compton CA, U.S.A.
1951-1-3, Los Angeles CA
Tipo de Alistamiento
Afiliación Militar
Tipo de servicio prestado
Tipo de unidad militar
Unidades a las que sirvió
330th MIS. 2nd Div. I.P.W.
Especialidad militar
Maryland, U.S.A., Japan, Korea
Camp Stoneman CA
Responsabilidad en la unidad
Interrogation of P.O.W.'s
Responsabilidad individual
Same as unit.
Reconocimientos, medallas, menciones (individuales o de la unidad)
Army of Occupation Medal; Korean Service Medal; SVC Star; United Nation Service Medal
Condiciones de Vida
We slept in tents & bathed in the stream. We ate regular G.I. hot meals and played volleyball and softball.
Recuerdo más vívido de la experiencia militar
All the POW's were sent to Kojido island in Korea. I understood that there were 80,000 POW's there. There was one regiment of G.I.'s, about 3,000, to guard them. P.O.W.'s were kept in numerous compounds. Each compound contained approximately 2 to 3 thousand P.O.W.'s. We were sent there to separate pro-communist and non-communist. We had a hard time getting them out of their compounds. G.I.'s used tear gas to get them out. After we got them out, we found that they had tunnels dug from one compound to another and they had all kinds of hand made weapons. That was when one of the G.I. Generals went in the compound and was taken hostage.
Lo que más extraño durante su tiempo en las fuerzas armadas
My regular civilian life.
¿En lo personal, qué obtuvo de su experiencia militar?
I feel I served my country best I can. I would like everyone to know there is nothing better than peace.
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