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Yoshiye Yoshida (maiden name Kuniyuki), wife of Robert Yoshida. Born December 22nd, 1922 in Los Angeles to parents Iroku (1883-1967) and Yoshi (1893-1988) Kuniyuki. In 1942 her family was told they had to move out and were put in a internment camp in Heart Mountain, Wyoming from 1942-1945. There she worked as a nurses assistant for the Hospital. While families were in the camp they certain ones were put under investigation, such as family names with any kind of martial arts backgrounds, there happened to be someone with the Kuniyuki name who was a Judo Master.

Yoshi did not keep much about her time in Heart Mountain Camps, most things that reminded her of it she got rid of, except a few things the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) sent, and some newspaper articles.

[Update June 3rd 2011]: Yoshiya(Kiniyuki) Yoshida passed away May 22nd 2011, she was 88 years old, she is survived by her son Roland and her daughter Marion and daughter-in-law Sharon.

Nekesu — Última actualización Jun 03 2011 11:54 a.m.

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