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This photo is of the stone (or is it concrete?) bridge at Kubota Garden in Seattle, Washington. It was taken on July 7, 2007. Kubota Garden is a public garden that is now owned by the City of Seattle and maintained by the Department of Parks & Recreation. It was originally created and maintained for many years by Fujitaro Kubota.

Actually, this is only half of the bridge that crosses Mapes Creek near the Heart Bridge. It is fairly narrow, but you can still traverse carefully across (or dash across for the daring!).

According to their brochure, Mapes Creek is "an all-season creek that runs through the Kubota Garden Natural Area and feeds the Necklace of Ponds."

Kubota Garden
9817 55th Avenue S.
Seattle, Washington 98118

For information about the garden and Fujitaro Kubota, please visit their website: www.kubota.org. The site includes a brief history.

vkm — Última actualización Mar 30 2011 7:58 p.m.

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