Material contribuído por nealtoon

My Name is Neal

Journal Entry #100% Out There: "Borderline Beliefs..."

Neal Yamamoto

A weekly visual journal/cartoon about an easily-annoyed fourth generation American of Japanese descent. This week, "A Short List of My Favorite FRINGE GROUPS"

My Name is Neal

Journal Entry #4 Stories: "Political Personas..."

Neal Yamamoto

A weekly visual journal/cartoon about an easily-annoyed fourth generation American of Japanese descent. This week, Neal gives us "the four stories you have to control to win an election"

My Name is Neal

Journal Entry #More Than 3 People: "Git Aways From Me!!..."

Neal Yamamoto

A weekly visual journal/cartoon about an easily-annoyed fourth generation American of Japanese descent. This week, "Why I Hate Crowds"

My Name is Neal

Journal Entry # 2/19/1942: "Other Days of Infamy..."

Neal Yamamoto

A weekly visual journal/cartoon about an easily-annoyed fourth generation American of Japanese descent. This week, "Why FDR Avoids Jefferson and Madison..."

My Name is Neal

Journal Entry # $10.00 or Less, Please: "Gift Grief..."

Neal Yamamoto

A weekly visual journal/cartoon about an easily-annoyed fourth generation American of Japanese descent. This week, "Gift Grief..."

My Name is Neal

Journal Entry #Aired Once in 1964: "Ad Hominem Ads..."

Neal Yamamoto

A weekly visual journal/cartoon about an easily-annoyed fourth generation American of Japanese descent. This week, "'s all sooo Jr. high school..."

My Name is Neal

Journal Entry #U.S Patent 9.17.1949: I Vote for Chuck Jones..."

Neal Yamamoto

A weekly visual journal/cartoon about an easily-annoyed fourth generation American of Japanese descent. This week, "Acme Political Campaign Kit"

My Name is Neal

Journal Entry #16,500 BCE, Lascaux: "Map Madness..."

Neal Yamamoto

A weekly visual journal/cartoon about an easily-annoyed fourth generation American of Japanese descent. This week, "Chizukigou"

My Name is Neal

Journal Entry #Only 10% Used!: "Organized Chaos..."

Neal Yamamoto

A weekly visual journal/cartoon about an easily-annoyed fourth generation American of Japanese descent. This week, "The Cartoonist's Brain"

My Name is Neal

Journal Entry #1901 and the XP-755 Mako: "Iconic Culture..."

Neal Yamamoto

A weekly visual journal/cartoon about an easily-annoyed fourth generation American of Japanese descent. This week, "All-American products that have benefited from Japanese help..."

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As a Freelance (i.e., unemployed) Artist, Neal Yamamoto has spewed forth a wide variety of scribblin's and scrivenin's, including humorous illustrations, gag cartoons and comic/sequential art for over a hundred books, comics, magazines and educational publications nationwide. Mr. Yamamoto has also been caught conducting cartooning and comic book illustration workshops at unsuspecting institutions like CSULA, Pasadena City College, Glendale Adult Education and Santa Monica City College. His fevered meanderings can also be seen in a weekly cartoon called "My Name is Neal, which he has been illegally posting on the Discover Nikkei website for the past couple of years.

As yet, he has not been successfully prosecuted.

Interesses sobre os nikkeis

  • histórias comunitárias
  • histórias familiares
  • festivais/matsuri
  • culinária japonesa/nikkei
  • bairros japoneses
  • taiko

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