Descubra Nikkei

Background image consist of multiple portrait of Nikkei with military experience

Banco de Dados da Experiência Militar Nipo-Americana

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Kaoru C. Takano

Birth date
Local de nascimento
Los Altos CA, U.S.A.
1944-6-24, Ft. Benj. Harrison IN
Tipo de alistamento
Ramo das Forças Armadas
Tipo de serviço
Tipo de Unidade
Unidades onde serviu
442nd regiment, Cannon Company
Military specialty
Communication Chief 542
USA - France - Italy
Camp Beale CA
Major battles (if served in a war zone)
Rhineland, France - Northern Appennines, Italy - Po Valley, Italy
Awards, medals, citations (individual or unit)
Expert MI Rifle - Combat Infantry Badge - WWII Victory Medal - European African Middle Eastern Campaign Medal - Good Conduct Medal - Distinguished Unit Badge with Oak Leaf Cluster
Living conditions
When we were in Camp we lived in nice tents and ate good food and when we were in combat we slept on the ground and ate mostly K-rations. In camp we had nice showers; in battle no time for a bath. Entertainment: Mostly Red Cross and USO shows
Most vivid memory of military experience
First time I was shot at.
Missed most whilst in the military
Being home and eating Japanese food.
Most important thing, personally, to come from military experience?
I got to see a lot of the outside world and see what it & other people were like.
Additional information
Photograph enclosed: Kaoru Takano is on the left. -Sunnyvale, CA. Minoru Harada is on the right. -Colusa, CA. Taken during the summer of 1945 when Cannon Co. was guarding POW's near Leghorn, Italy.
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