Descubra Nikkei

Challenges faced by female judges

Probably the same challenges I still face as a judge, which is that you still get stereotyped. At that period of time, I mean, Asian American women were not lawyers and so besides being mistaken for the interpreter or the court reporter or just treated badly, I said you get a lot of "sweethearts" a lot of brushing you off, a lot of assuming that what you have to say isn’t important, and that even as a young lawyer, even as a partner at my law firm, if I was with a young Caucasian man they always, the other side would always talk to him. And ask him his opinion, and ask him what is the client going to do? And I would have to stop and say excuse me, it’s my client. This is my case and I am the partner on the case, and they would just kinda go… "Really?" You get a lot of that… I feel, a lot of women of color on the bench feel that we get a lot less respect than do say white males or even white females, and there's a feeling more that they can be disrespectful to us and that-that is okay -- of course it’s not and they learn that once they’ve had an interaction or two with me. You know, I work very very hard to make sure that I have control of my courtroom and that people understand that women of color can be the boss in this situation, but it’s still an issue.

Asiático-americanos juízes advogados estereótipos mulheres

Data: July 11, 2019

Localização Geográfica: California, US

Entrevistado: Kayla Tanaka

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum; Japanese American Bar Association


A juíza Holly J. Fujie é juíza sansei na Corte Superior do Condado de Los Angeles, na Califórnia, desde 2012. Ela cresceu em West Oakland, Califórnia, em um bairro diverso. Seus pais foram encarcerados quando crianças durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, mas não compartilharam suas experiências com ela até se tornar adulta. Isso afetou sua visão sobre leis e governo, levando-a a seguir uma carreira como advogada e mais tarde como juíza.

Como advogada, ela se envolveu com várias associações de advogados minoritários, incluindo a Japanese American Bar Association e programas de orientação. Tornou-se a primeira presidente asiática-americana da Ordem dos Advogados da Califórnia em 2008. (Julho de 2019)


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(n. 1957) Juiz da Suprema Corte do Havaí.