Descubra a los Nikkei

Background image consist of multiple portrait of Nikkei with military experience

Base de Datos de Experiencias Militares de Japoneses Americanos

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Isamu "Sam" Abo

Fecha de Nacimiento
Lugar de Nacimiento
Paul ID, U.S.A.
1941-01-23, Boise ID
Tipo de Alistamiento
Afiliación Militar
Tipo de servicio prestado
Tipo de unidad militar
Unidades a las que sirvió
250th Coast Artillery, 17th Infantry, 6th Service Command
442nd Regimental Combat Team ,100th Battalion, Company D
Especialidad militar
Company clerk; Platoon leader in heavy weapons.
California, Illinois, Florida, France and Italy
Ft. Douglas UT
Responsabilidad en la unidad
Provided machine gun backup for the rifle companies.
Responsabilidad individual
Squad and then platoon leader in heavy weapons company.
Batallas principales (si sirvió en una zona de guerra)
Rescue of the Lost Battalion
N. Apennines Campaign
Reconocimientos, medallas, menciones (individuales o de la unidad)
Presidential Unit Citation (Bruyeres Campaign)
Combat Infantryman Badge (Bruyeres Campaign)
Bronze Star Medal (N. Apennines Campaign)
Purple Heart--wounded in left thigh during rescue of 'Lost Battalion' (tree burst).
Condiciones de Vida
Slept in open fields, fox holes (full of water), and under overhanging rock by hanging pup tents on the side.
Bathed mostly by sponging off with towel.
Meals were mostly OK. Yellow jackets were always coming around during meal time and landing on our mess kits!
For entertainment, mostly bull sessions and playing cards.
Recuerdo más vívido de la experiencia militar
While crossing the Mediterranean Sea from Marseilles to Naples, I remember being the only one eating breakfast the first day. It seemed like everyone else was seasick because the sea was really rough. I remember eating lots of pineapple for breakfast that morning.
Lo que más extraño durante su tiempo en las fuerzas armadas
I missed fishing and hunting mostly and after the start of l944, I missed my wife whom I married in February l944.
¿En lo personal, qué obtuvo de su experiencia militar?
One learns to be neat and orderly, take on responsibility and do things as you are told. In the military, there was no discrimination because of race, creed or color. If you respect others, they in turn, will respect you.
Información adicional
I believe I was the first Nisei to volunteer under the S.S. Act in Idaho. Attended the University of Idaho, earning a Bachelor's Degree in Commercial Art in 1940. After the war, he returned to Idaho to farm.Moved to Denver, CO in 1953 to be an owner in a Frontier gas station and garage, operating it for 26.5 years before retiring. Earned the Congressional Medal of Honor in Washington, DC.
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