Descubra Nikkei

Sheridan Tatsuno

Sheridan Tatsuno formou-se em Yale e na Kennedy School of Government de Harvard e é autor de dois livros: The Technopolis Strategy (Prentice-Hall, 1986) e Criado no Japão (HarperCollins, 1990). Ele é um escritor colaborador do Nikkei Heritage e consultor da National Japanese American Historical Society. Ele fala japonês, espanhol e francês.

Atualizado na primavera de 2008.

Stories from This Author

Thumbnail for An American in Europe
Herança Nikkei
An American in Europe

17 de Junho de 2010 • Sheridan Tatsuno

What is it like to be a Japanese American in Europe, far from one’s family and origins? How does it feel mingling mostly with Caucasians in their culture and language? Since the summer of 1966, I have lived, studied, and worked in numerous European countries. My experience has been very positive, a nice compliment to my years of studies and professional work in Japan, Asia and Latin America. While Europe is the source of our political, religious and educational systems, …

Thumbnail for A Meditation on Nikkei Style
Herança Nikkei
A Meditation on Nikkei Style

27 de Dezembro de 2006 • Sheridan Tatsuno

How do we define "the way of the Nikkei"? As Japanese Americans assimilate into the wider society through intermarriage and migration, many community leaders have begun to question what constitutes the Nikkei identity and whether our community is disappearing due to lack of new Japanese immigration. Although I understand their concerns, I believe their worries are misplaced for several reasons. Nikkei identity is not limited to people with two Nikkei parents. Today, up to 90 percent of the Yonsei and …

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