Descubra Nikkei

Teaching English in Japan

There's I know...there were two Americans. Soldiers I guess.  They were dressed as civilians but I think they were soldiers.  I'd sit at the bar and the, um, the bartender I mean the lady, -- the girl said, You know Jerry-san.  I really like that one guy.  You know he keeps coming in looking at me.  And It makes me nervous but you know I really like him, you know.  So I say, Oh. Then why don't you go over and tell him.  I been teaching her all this English, you know?  She says, "Yeah but I'm kind of shy.  So she says would you please tell him for me," you know?  So I went up to him.  

That was the first time I used my so-called full, long sentences.  I says, excuse me but... It took me some time but I said, "I'm American."  And he says, "Yeah, what do you want buddy?"  And I says, I'm American.  And you are American.  I want to tell you something.  And he says, "Yeah, what?"  I says, "See that girl over there?  Sachiko, or whatever her name was.  Sachiko...or Sayuko... Anyway, I said she likes, she likes you.  He says, "Oh is that right?  God so many of the guys thinks she's fabulous.  So I really like her a lot too."  Out of them, they were too, both of them were too shy to say anything, you know. So basically what I did was fix them up. my.

So Sayuko came over and they start chatting and I was translating and all that kinda stuff and, and sitting there.  And kinda made friends with them in a way, you know.  And my English starting coming back again.  But, uh, then I went back and did my classes and she, uh disappeared.  She took...after that she never came back.  And I went to the bar and she wasn't there, so I asked one of the girls, and she was new there, you know.  So she said I think, I think she went to America.

Japonês línguas

Data: June 29, 2012

Localização Geográfica: California, US

Entrevistado: Chris Komai, John Esaki

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum


Jimmy Murakami (1933 - 2014) foi inspirado quando criança a se tornar um animador de filmes ao assistir os desenhos animados da Disney que eram exibidos aos nipo-americanos confinados no campo de concentração Tule Lake, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Depois de frequentar o Chouinard Art Institute em Los Angeles, trabalhou como animador para a UPA. Mais tarde, fundou a Murakami Wolf - uma empresa que produzia muitos comerciais conhecidos nos anos 60 e 70 - e tornou-se diretor de filme de longa metragem de When the Wind Blows e The Snowman. Depois de estabelecer residência na Irlanda nos últimos anos, faleceu em fevereiro de 2014 aos 80 anos.


No começo, dificuldade com o idioma (Japonês)

(n. 1917) Originário de Okinawa, iasei argentino


Aprendendo o idioma espanhol (Espanhol)

(1925-2014) Jornalista, La Plata Hochi


Escola de Língua Japonesa (Inglês)

(1917 - 2004) Ativista político


Being enlisted into the Japanese Army

(1928 - 2008) Alistado tanto no Exército Imperial Japonês quanto no exército americano


Working tirelessly after the war (Japanese)

(1928 - 2008) Alistado tanto no Exército Imperial Japonês quanto no exército americano


A Lifestyle Using Both Japanese and Spanish (Japanese)

(n. 1929) Presidente do Museum Amano

Biller,Francesca Yukari

Fitting in to both sides of her family

A jornalista judia e nipo-americana

Horikiri,Edward Toru

(Japanese) My children’s education

(n. 1929) Kibei Nissei 

Hirano,Paulo Issamu

The term Nikkei (Japanese)

(n. 1979) Brasileiro sansei de Oizumi-machi, província de Gunma. Dono de um escritório de design.


Working together in Okinawa using three languages

Norte-americana Okinawana, cujos pais são peruanos

Wasserman,Fumiko Hachiya

Mother founded Japanese language school in neighbors’ backyard

Juíza Sansei do Tribunal Superior do Condado de Los Angeles na Califórnia

Fujie,Holly J.

Her grandfather was pressured to teach Japanese

Juíza sansei na Corte Superior do Condado de Los Angeles, na Califórnia


O ensino de línguas estrangeiras foi estritamente regulamentado durante a guerra

(n. 1948) Professor Doutor da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo – Advogado – Tradutor