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On July 1, 1925, a farewell party was held for Miss Oliver on the second floor of the Stimson Institute on Hewitt Street in Little Tokyo. The Oliver Clubs met in this room and kept their trophies there; the Daiichi Gakuen Japanese language school met on the first floor. The party celebrated Miss Oliver's impending departure for Japan, where she spent two enjoyable months learning about Japanese culture. Miss Oliver is the woman in the imposing hat at center; to her left is Miss Ryder (later Mrs. Clara Ryder Bleeker), who taught American-style cooking to Mexican, Russian, and Japanese immigrants at the Stimson Institute. Behind Miss Oliver is Mrs. Suski, and the girl in glasses standing at the end of that row is her oldest daugher, Julia Suski. Courtesy Joe Suski.

lthistory — Atualizado em Mar 30 2011 8:00 p.m.

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