Okinawan Festival 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii


From August 30 to September 2, 2007, the Hawaii United Okinawan Association celebrated their 25th annual Okinawan Festival at Kapiolani Park in Honolulu on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. The festival is a unique celebration of Okinawan food, arts, and culture in Hawaii that attracts over 50,000 visitors each year.

The photos in this collection are courtesy of Pomai, who blogs about his culinary experiences in Oahu, Hawaii. For a full account of his trip to the 2007 Okinawan Festival, click here.

Slides in this album 

Festival booths

Cheerful flags invite visitors such as photographer/blogger Pomai to explore the booths at Hawaii's annual Okinawan Festival.

Crowds at the 2007 Okinawan Festival
País: fmpotter

Kapiolani Bandstand

Festival attendees find shade around the bandstand to rest and enjoy the festival's many delicacies.

Kapiolani Band Stage, Kapiolani Park, Honolulu
País: fmpotter

Okinawan Yaki Soba

A plate of Okinawan yaki soba (containing luncheon meat, ginger, carrots, green onion and seasoning) is ready to eat!

Okinawan Yaki Soba, 2007 Okinawan Festival
País: fmpotter

Pig's Feet Soup

A volunteer displays a bowl of ingredients awaiting its final scoop of gingery broth. In the bowl are generous cuts of fatty pig’s feet, daikon, mustard cabbage, kubo (konbu/seaweed) and celery.

Pig's Feet Soup, 2007 Okinawan Festival, Honolulu
País: fmpotter

Okinawan Plate

Another dish served at the festival was the Okinawan plate. This consisted of: champuru (the cabbage and agedofu mixture), shoyu pork (rafute), rice and andamisu (pork and miso condiment). All this could be yours for 28 scrips ($7)!

Okinawan Plate, Honolulu, Hawaii
País: fmpotter

Jumpers and Diamond Head Crator

Children could also bounce around in their choice of jumper. In the background is Diamond Head Crater.

Bouncers at the 2007 Okinawan Festival
País: fmpotter

Festival Stage

A special stage was built for the 2007 festival performances. At night, projection screens were mounted on the left and right hand sides of the stage.

Okinawan Festival 2007 Stage
País: fmpotter

Musical Performance

Artists play traditional music on stage during the day.

A banner for the Hawaii United Okinawan Association, which produced the festival, can be seen in the foreground.

Daytime Performance at the 2007 Okinawan Festival
País: fmpotter

Rinken Band

Okinawan artists Rinken Band rocked the festival stage on Saturday night. Rinken Band is a roots group, combining traditional Okinawan musical elements--taiko, shamisan, etc.--with modern rock instruments and beats.

Ma Ti Che!

Rinken Band Performance
País: fmpotter

Three Drummers

Three of the Rinken Band members using taiko drums to create modern music.

Rinken Band Drummers
País: fmpotter

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community history

fmpotter — Atualizado em Jun 28 2021 1:49 a.m.

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