Descubra a los Nikkei

Background image consist of multiple portrait of Nikkei with military experience

Base de Datos de Experiencias Militares de Japoneses Americanos

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Yoshio C. Nakamura

Fecha de Nacimiento
Lugar de Nacimiento
Rosemead CA, U.S.A.
1944-6-20, Des Moines IA
Tipo de Alistamiento
Afiliación Militar
Tipo de servicio prestado
Tipo de unidad militar
Unidades a las que sirvió
Companies 'M' and 'L' , 442nd Regimental Combat Team
Enlisted Reserve
Especialidad militar
Foot Soldier
Camp Blanding, FL; MD; NY; USA
Fort Sheridan IL
Responsabilidad en la unidad
Provide mortar support for ground troops.
Responsabilidad individual
Foot soldier, carrying ammunition
Batallas principales (si sirvió en una zona de guerra)
European (Southern france & Northern Italy); North Apennines; Po Valley
Reconocimientos, medallas, menciones (individuales o de la unidad)
European-African-Middle Eastern Ribbon with 3 Battle Stars
Bronze Star
Combat Infantryman's Badge
Presidential Unit Citation with 1 Gold Leaf Cluster
Condiciones de Vida
A combat soldier's life was stressful. We had the bare necessities for survival. My company & regiment were great in looking after each other.
We ate 'C' rations & when in interior areas, we had cooked meals. I still have a problem with Spam.
Recuerdo más vívido de la experiencia militar
My buddy, Tack Nakamura, thought he was going to lean against a cliff while climbing up an Italian mountain in the dark. But he fell to the next terrace, anchored by the mortar base plate. We finally got him up and quietly - this was after his whispered cries for help.
Lo que más extraño durante su tiempo en las fuerzas armadas
My family.
¿En lo personal, qué obtuvo de su experiencia militar?
I learned that we can all do many things which we didn't know we could do (such as, physical endurance & spiritual strength). There was always a strong sense that we Americans of Japanese ancestry showed our loyalty to the U.S.A..
Información adicional
As a result of the G.I. Bill, I completed my bachelor's and master's degree and have enjoyed a very satisfying career as educator, administrator and artist.
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