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This is an image of a teabag, entitled “Zen”. This green tea is produced by Tazo, which is a tea company whose manufacturer and distributor is located in Portland Oregon. They are known for their “New Age” style marketing and product labeling. In 1999, this company was brought over by Starbucks. This is an example of bad Japanophilic commodities, massively produced with little understanding of the names used for their labeling of products. On the front of the teabag, it writes “An Enlightening blend of the finest green teas and rare herbs available in this world”. On the back, it writes “High in the Kunlun Mountains of China, monks spend days chanting and meditating in hopes of reaching complete enlightenment. Periodically, they stop for a cup of tea quite like this”. Zen is taken out of context and used to represent Japan as a whole and Japanese culture. It enable people who have little knowledge of Zen to assume that they can consume Japanese culture by consuming this tea. The association made between Zen and China on the back of the teabag further misinforms people of what Zen really is and feeds into many people’s lack of knowledge about Zen and Japanese culture.


maylsl — Última actualización Mar 30 2011 8:00 p.m.

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