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Presented to the United Nations in June 1954, the Japanese Peace Bell was a gift from the people of Japan. The Peace Bell was made from coins collected from 60 different countries. It is display under a Japanese cypress wood structure that resembles a Shinto Shrine, supported by a stone base donated from Israel. On one side of the bell, there is Japanese writing inscribed, which translates as “Long live in absolute world peace”. The Peace Bell is traditionally rung twice in a year: 1: the first day of Spring, 2: the opening day of the UN General Assembly’s yearly session. When it is rung, it sends a clear message to all humanity. “Peace is precious. It is not enough to yearn for peace. Peace requires work—long, hard, difficult work”, which Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali said at the 1994 ceremony.

For further information, see link: http://www.un.org/Pubs/CyberSchoolBus/untour/subjap.htm

maylsl — Última actualización Mar 30 2011 8:00 p.m.

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