
Part 1 of 3 from the Q & A portion of the Discover Nikkei program, “Kenjinkai: Past, Present, and Future,” on March 28, 2009 at the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles, CA. The Q & A was moderated by Professor Lane Ryo Hirabayashi with panelists Margaret Miyauchi-Leong, Arlene Nakamura, Dean Hara, and Ken Mukai. Hirabayashi moderates a lively discussion during the Q&A; portion of the program. The first question from the audience asks about whether the Kenjinkai, particularly Kagoshima Kenjinkai, are accessible online, and whether they actively outreach to students. Miyauchi-Leong and Nakamura talk about their Kenjinkai’s current efforts. Hirabayashi and Miyauchi-Leong discuss difficulties of many Yonsei and Gosei who often don’t know where their family’s are originally from. Mukai and Miyauchi-Leong talk about the openness of their groups—they encourage people to participate regardless of their own family’s origins.

editor — Última actualización Mar 30 2011 7:49 p.m.

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