Descubra a los Nikkei

Grandfather's interrogations during World War II

It was clearly to me like most of the incarceration it was economics. He was a business leader and the Kibei thing was a huge part of it, the fact that he was educated there. I think there was also some confusion whether was he was Issei or Nisei because of that, in coming back to Hawaii from Japan because after Sand Island (and he spent several weeks there), they sent him on a tour of US Army Interrogation centers. I think he went to Wisconsin, Louisiana, somewhere in Arizona, before he came back to Hawaii.

Nobody never said anything about that, the only thing I remember my grandmother saying was that he came back thirty pounds lighter then when he left. And again these were interrogations. I’m sure they woke him up in the middle of the night, the whole bit, trying to figure out something, some tie to Japan. Anyway when he came back in Hawaii, later in the year of ’42, probably October/November, he told my grandmother that “for certain they’re gonna send me back to one of these concentration camps because they still considered me a threat.”

economía generaciones Hawái detención encarcelamiento Japón japonés-americanos kibei interrogatorio militar nisei Estados Unidos campos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial

Fecha: April 25, 2018

Zona: California, US

Entrevista: John Esaki

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum


Robert Fujioka nació en Honolulu, Hawái en 1952. Asistió a la Universidad de Michigan en donde obtuvo el grado de bachiller en artes y obtuvo un MBA de la Universidad de Hawái. Ha estado en el sector de la banca desde 1974 y actualmente es vicepresidente de la junta directiva del Museo Nacional Japonés Americano, patrono de la Fundación Clarence T.C. Ching y de la Fundación First Hawaiian Bank. (Noviembre de 2018)


His views on nuclear weapons

(n. 1938) Japonés estadounidense. Sobreviviente de la bomba atómica de Hiroshima


La pérdida cuando se fue a Manzanar (Inglés)

Ilustrador japonés americano de Walt Disney y Hanna Barbera (1925-2007)


Stories of Grandfather at a concentration camp in Fusagasuga

(n. 1974) Colombiana japonesa que actualmente reside en los Estados Unidos


Her grandfather in a concentration camp in Fusagasuga (Spanish)

(n. 1974) Colombiana japonesa que actualmente reside en los Estados Unidos


Impacto de su padre

(n. 1943) Abogado transgénero japonés-estadounidense


Regresando del campamento

(n. 1938) pintor y grabador japonés-estadounidense