Descubra a los Nikkei

Great grandparents' hotel business in Hawaii

He actually went back to the Big Island and found his future wife, whose last name I believe was Higashi, but I don’t know anything about her family other than that they had a reputation for making very good poi on the Big Island. Anyway, she went back with him to Maui and together they scraped enough money to start their own hotel. So they started the Kagawa hotel in Kahului or Wailuku in Maui. Must have been Kahului. Anyway, it was the only Japanese hotel and so they did pretty well because there were obviously a lot of immigrants coming in from Japan and I guess at that time there was even trade that was developing. Anyway, he did pretty well as a hotel owner and he and his wife had four children.

negocios economía Hawái hoteles gestión Estados Unidos

Fecha: April 25, 2018

Zona: California, US

Entrevista: John Esaki

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum


Robert Fujioka nació en Honolulu, Hawái en 1952. Asistió a la Universidad de Michigan en donde obtuvo el grado de bachiller en artes y obtuvo un MBA de la Universidad de Hawái. Ha estado en el sector de la banca desde 1974 y actualmente es vicepresidente de la junta directiva del Museo Nacional Japonés Americano, patrono de la Fundación Clarence T.C. Ching y de la Fundación First Hawaiian Bank. (Noviembre de 2018)


Getting started in America

(1927-2016) Empresario shin-issei


Expanding business

(1927-2016) Empresario shin-issei


Life Philosophy

(1927-2016) Empresario shin-issei


How he got on the All-Navy show on Ed Sullivan

(n. 1934) Ukelelista de Hawái


"Song for Anna"

(n. 1934) Ukelelista de Hawái


Performing in Japan

(n. 1934) Ukelelista de Hawái

Fukuhara,Jimmy Ko

Family nursery business

(n. 1921) Veterano nisei que sirvió en la ocupación de Japón

Fukuhara,Jimmy Ko

After being discharged and returning to the nursery business

(n. 1921) Veterano nisei que sirvió en la ocupación de Japón


Business in Missouri (Japanese)

(n. 1936) Un “shin-issei” de profesión soldador

Shikota,Antonio Shinkiti

Transition from a factory worker to starting his own business (Portuguese)

(n. 1962) Brasileño japonés, dueño de una tienda de productos brasileños en Japón.


Father's business partner operated their farming business during WWII

(n. 1935) Empresario sansei.