Descubra Nikkei

A Meditation on Nikkei Style
How do we define "the way of the Nikkei"? As Japanese Americans assimilate into the wider society t…

Sheridan Tatsuno • 27 de Dezembro de 2006

Still Swingin'
I had no misgivings about my 65th birthday. But when the day finally arrived, an overpowering feeli…

George Yoshida • 27 de Dezembro de 2006

Simple Instructions: Yoko Ono's Quest for Peace
“Who believes today that war can be abolished? No one, not even pacifists. We hope only (so f…

Tracy Fugami • 4 de Maio de 2006

Thought Warrior: Shinkichi Tajiri
On December 7, 2003, on his 80th birthday, artist Shinkichi Tajiri was honored by the Dutch art wor…

Judith van Praag • 23 de Fevereiro de 2006

Brandon Quan: A Modern MISer
When we think of the Military Intelligence Service (MIS), it is almost always in the context of the…

Jessica Kawamura • 23 de Fevereiro de 2006

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