Descubra Nikkei

How he got into politics

I don't think anyone really at an early age says, "I'm gonna be..." well, other than, I guess, kids saying, "I want to be President of the United States." But I don't think anyone really says, "I want to be mayor of San Jose, California." But being -- and I started in community activities within the Japanese American community through our San Jose Japanese Methodist Church and JACL, and then that sort of expanded into activities in the total majority community. And so those kinds of community activities then led me to the possibility of being appointed to the city council.

The first time I... I didn't run for the city council. We had a mayor who was, we had our first directly elected mayor, and that created a vacancy on the city council. So the new mayor and two members of the city council came to me and said, "We've got to fill that vacancy on the city council. Would you consider putting your name in for it?" So I said, "Well, you know, I'm in business with my father and I really should talk to him about this."

So anyway, I talked to my dad and he said, "Well, we can make the arrangements between how you and I conduct the business," but he said, "In Japan there's an old adage about, if you were in politics, you're gonna be like the 'nail sticking out of the board.' And you know what happens to that nail? It always gets hammered. Now the question is, are you gonna be able to take that hammering?"

And so anyway, I thought about it and talked to a lot of friends, and I finally said, "Okay, I'll put my name in." And so I was appointed to the city council for the two-year unexpired term of the mayor who had vacated that post to become the new mayor.

comunidades governos política

Data: July 4, 2008

Localização Geográfica: Colorado, US

Entrevistado: Tom Ikeda

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum


Norman Mineta nasceu em 12 de novembro de 1931 em San Jose, na Califórnia. Ele e sua família foram encarcerados no campo de internamento Heart Mountain durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Mineta iniciou sua carreira política ao ser indicado para preencher um posto vago no Conselho Municipal de San Jose. Ele foi eleito ao cargo no mandato seguinte; depois atuou como vice-prefeito, e finalmente prefeito de San Jose em 1971.

Mineta serviu na Câmara dos Deputados dos E.U.A. de 1975 a 1995, e teve um papel crucial na aprovação da Lei dos Direitos Civis de 1988, H.R. 442. Esta lei incluía um pedido de perdão oficial, como também indenizações pelo encarceramento em massa inconstitucional de nipo-americanos durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial

No ano 2000, Mineta se tornou o primeiro asiático-americano a exercer um cargo no gabinete presidencial ao ser apontado pelo presidente Bill Clinton como Ministro do Comércio. No ano seguinte, George W. Bush o escolheu como Ministro dos Transportes. Mineta era o único Democrata no gabinete de Bush, e acabou servindo como Ministro dos Transportes pelo período mais longo desde a criação do cargo em 1967. (Dezembro 2011)


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