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This product displays the commodification of Japanese culture in modern society. The product displays only a few aspects of Japanese culture such as cherry blossoms in the background and a dark silhouette of a geisha woman. The geisha’s silhouette seems to only heighten the mystery and exoticism behind Japanese culture. Furthermore, because this product displays few aspects of Japanese culture it connects to the concept, discussed in class, of “domesticating Japan” where limited items, or art, are taken from the culture and are used to label the entire culture as a whole. Notice also how the items displayed appear to be very feminine. The emphasis on the femininity of Japanese culture can symbolically represent the power struggle between Japan and the United States during the early 20th century, if Japan is associated with femininity than it can be seen as being an inferior nation to the United States at that time. Lastly, notice how the silhouette of the geisha is kneeling and looking towards the ground; she seems very fragile, obedient, docile, and subservient. The feminine items displayed on this product could also be seen as a perpetuation of common Japanese female stereotypes.

This work is licensed under a Public Domain

myan — 更新日 3月 30 2011 8:00 p.m.

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プロジェクト企画 全米日系人博物館
