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This is the human pyramid in its greatest form. Kyodo has mastered the art. Here, you see Kyodo Taiko members of the 2005-2006 school year at the 12th annual Intercollegiate Taiko Invitational, hosted by UC Riverside. What you cannot see is UCI's Jodaiko, quickly trying to surpass the Kyodo pyramid. I'm really not even sure who won that year, but it's all in good fun!

[Kyodo Taiko at UCLA was the first collegiate taiko group to form in North America, founded under UCLA's Nikkei Student Union. Striving to live up to the group’s name, Kyodo Taiko functions as a family, sharing the joy and spirit of taiko with more and more of the surrounding community each year.]

eishida — 更新日 3月 30 2011 7:59 p.m.



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