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This is one of the best pictures I've seen of Kyodo Taiko. It really shows our spirit. I smile every time I see it, and I'm proud to call these people teammates. They are part of a long line of loud children.

Kyodo was asked to perform as part of the UCLA Nikkei Student Union (NSU) 25th Anniversary Banquet. We had a blast, as you can tell. This loud moment was part of Kyodo's piece, "Yonsei," composed by recent Kyodo alumn, Jason Osajima.

[Kyodo Taiko at UCLA was the first collegiate taiko group to form in North America, founded under UCLA's Nikkei Student Union. Striving to live up to the group’s name, Kyodo Taiko functions as a family, sharing the joy and spirit of taiko with more and more of the surrounding community each year.]

eishida — 更新日 9月 09 2013 12:39 p.m.



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