Discover Nikkei

Her father bought her mother American clothes after she arrived from Japan

And so she arrived in Seattle. So I said, “What was the first thing that Dad did?” And she said, “Well the first thing he did was he took me to a department store so that – because he wanted know, I was wearing a kimono and zori or geta,” and he wanted to buy her some American clothes and shoes, and so that’s how – and so the first – from the – you know – after she got off the ship and they went straight to the department store to get some American clothes and shoes, she said.

clothing Japanese clothing kimonos migration

Date: August 7, 2018

Location: California, US

Interviewer: Sharon Yamato

Contributed by: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum

Interviewee Bio

Mitsuye Yamada was born in 1923 while her mother was visiting family in Japan. She grew up in Seattle, Washington until World War II when they were sent to Minidoka, Idaho. A Quaker volunteer helped her to leave camp by finding her a job in Cincinnati, Ohio. Yamada attended the University of Cincinnati and earned a BA from New York University and an MA from the University of Chicago.

She was able to become a naturalized U.S. citizen following passage of the McCarran-Walter Immigration Act and received her citizenship in 1955.

She was a constant writer from the time she was young, and her first book of poetry taken from her writings in Minidoka, Camp Notes and Other Poems, was published in 1976. She started teaching and published more books after a health scare when she was 39 years old.

She helped to start a human rights group in Irvine, California that eventually led to her becoming elected to the Amnesty International Board of Directors in the 1980s and has been active in many human rights causes, especially known for her activism for woman's rights. (August 2018)


Choice to move east or go to Japan

(b.1920) Japanese Canadian Nisei. Established the Ikenobo Ikebana Society of Toronto


Coming to America

(b.1943) Shin-issei grand master of taiko; founded San Francisco Taiko Dojo in 1968.


The reason for coming to Japan

(b. 1967) Hawai`i-born professional fighter in Japan


Reason to come back to Canada in 1954

(b. 1922) Canadian Nisei who was unable to return to Canada from Japan until 1952


Interest in Japanese migration studies (Japanese)

Tsuda College President, researcher of Nikkei history


History of her family's immigration (Spanish)

(b. 1969) Former president of Centro Nikkei Argentino.


Moving to and living in Japan

Japanese American Creative designer living in Japan


The reason to stay in Japan after his third year

Japanese American Creative designer living in Japan


Growing up with some Japanese families (Spanish)

(b. 1950) Nisei Chilean, Businessman


Avoiding the Japanese military

(1914-2004) Nisei Bonsai master in the United States

Hattori,Paula Hoyos

The arrival of her grandpa (Spanish)

Sansei Argentinean


From Japan to Argentina (Japanese)

(b. 1917) Okinawan, Issei Argentinean


Decided to leave Japan to Argentina (Spanish)

(1925-2014) La Plata Hochi, Journalist


Tango makes him to stay in Argentina (Spanish)

(1925-2014) La Plata Hochi, Journalist


Leaving to Argentina (Spanish)

(1925-2014) La Plata Hochi, Journalist