Discover Nikkei

Sophia Inaba

Sophia is a 4th-year student finishing up her studies in Musicology and Neuroscience at University of California, Los Angeles. She was born in Torrance, California to Japanese immigrant parents and spent her childhood there before moving to small town Cartersville, Georgia at the age of nine. She values these two homes for allowing her to explore her cultural values and navigate her Shin-Nisei identity. Her interests in the arts and integrative health have led her to pursue her dream of becoming a music therapist. She hopes to become an active member of the healing arts community to contribute to a movement for holistic health.

Updated April 2019

Stories from This Author

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Nikkei Uncovered: a poetry column
Negotiating Place

April 18, 2019 • Sophia Inaba , Rino Kodama , traci kato-kiriyama

Here we have a first for the Nikkei Uncovered poetry column - a collaborative piece between two wondrous young Nikkei, both University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) students and “Shin-Nisei,” 1.5 generation artists. They write this from the place of anticipating their Pilgrimage together to Manzanar this month, alongside their cohort of the Vigilant Love Solidarity Arts Fellowship, which brings together college age Nikkei and Muslim activist/artists. Rino and Sophia, featured here, wrote together with such generosity that comes through …

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