Descubra Nikkei

A Coluna de Koji

13 de Dezembro de 2006 - 9 de Novembro de 2012

"A coluna de Koji" é uma série de colunas contribuída pelo membro da equipe do Japanese American National Museum, Koji Steven Sakai. Sua coluna explora a identidade e cultura nikkeis do ponto de vista de um homem de segunda e quarta geração nipo-americana do sul da Califórnia.

Stories from this series

Thumbnail for Why Are Asians Yellow?
Why Are Asians Yellow?

9 de Dezembro de 2011 • Koji Steven Sakai

African Americans are black. Caucasians are white. Latinos are brown. But why are Asians yellow? When I look at my skin, it doesn’t look yellow to me. If anything, it looks olive and if I’ve been in the sun at all, it’s brown. So if I’m not yellow-skinned, where does that idea come from? Because I’m constantly interested in racial stereotypes, I decided to do some Internet research on the origins of skin color, specifically the idea that Asians have …

Thumbnail for My Mother, My Anchor
My Mother, My Anchor

8 de Maio de 2011 • Koji Steven Sakai

My father died in my early twenties. His death devastated me in ways that I am still dealing with today—more than 13 years later. At his funeral, I read his eulogy and told him how much I loved/admired him but the hardest part of it all was that he would never get to hear my letter. I don’t want to make that same mistake with my mother, so this is my attempt to write her eulogy while she can still …

Thumbnail for What Would You Do?
What Would You Do?

7 de Maio de 2009 • Koji Steven Sakai

I am a coward. It’s easy to fight racism when it’s in the abstract, but it’s so much harder to do it when it smacks you in the face. I was smacked and didn’t do anything. Actually, I just ran away. Okay, let me explain. I recently had a phone meeting with a person who wanted to represent my writing. It was the opportunity that I had been waiting for for a long time. It was going to be my …

Thumbnail for We All Look Alike
We All Look Alike

2 de Abril de 2009 • Koji Steven Sakai

Do all Asians look alike? Where does such a stereotype come from? I’ve recently spent a lot of time studying other Asian folks—especially Japanese people—to see if there are any similarities between them and me. Personally, I think I look pretty damn unique—and handsome. My mother always tells me so at least! The other day I decided to look into this. A quick Google search brought me to a lot of sites. My favorite was a Yahoo Answers webpage where …

Thumbnail for Embarrassment

27 de Fevereiro de 2009 • Koji Steven Sakai

I admit that I cringe whenever I see or hear of an Asian American or Japanese American doing something stupid, embarrassing, or downright immoral and unlawful. I always feel as though it reflects badly on myself. Like when that crazy Asian American kid shot up his college in Virginia. Or that Japanese American guy that was involved in the Barry Bonds homerun baseball lawsuit. Or even something smaller, the bad Asian driver or the Japanese tourist taking photos of everything. …

Thumbnail for Names & Inaugurations
Names & Inaugurations

20 de Janeiro de 2009 • Koji Steven Sakai

Names have power. Names convey a message about who you are, where you come from, and has at times in our history meant that you were either on our side or “theirs.” My name is Koji Steven Sakai, what does that say about me? Like a lot of kids, I dreamed of one day becoming President and ruling the country and all my minions with an iron fist. But I wasn’t a stupid kid. I knew my foreign sounding first …

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Author in This Series

Koji Steven Sakai escreveu quatro filmes que foram produzidos, Haunted Highway (2006), The People I’ve Slept With (2009), Monster & Me (2012) e #1 Serial Killer (2012). Ele também atuou como produtor em The People I’ve Slept With e #1 Serial Killer. Seu roteiro de longa-metragem, Romeo, Juliet & Rosaline, foi escolhido pela Amazon Studios. O romance de estréia de Koji, Romeo & Juliet Vs. Zombies, foi lançado por Luthando Coeur, a editora de fantasia da Zharmae Publishing Press, em fevereiro de 2015.

Atualizado em março de 2015